Saturday, December 02, 2006

Long string of Eric-Cartman-esque phrases here

Well, I see why my university closed down yesterday.

They don't have the #$)(%*$#$%* heat turned on.

(*Yes, I said in Emily's f-off thread I was giving up swearing for advent, but Beetle Bailey Sarge style swearing doesn't count).

it is freaking FREEZING in here. It is, in fact, 16* Celsius according to the thermometer I stole from the teaching lab to keep in my office (So I can know how hot or cold it actually is and thus be accurate in my complaints about it).

That's 60.8 degrees F for those of us who relate better to SAE units. Not deadly cold but sure as shooting uncomfortable for typing and very easy to make typos typing.

Too cold to work. So I guess I'm gonna rustle up a blank disk, copy ALL the crap (approximately 15 files) I need to work on, go home, and work in my nice toasty 72 degree house.

Physical plant here has really gone downhill since a particular person retired - they're unresponsive, they do sort of the verbal equivalent of an eye-roll when we complain that it's too hot or too cold (and they never send anyone to check). They tell us we can't have thermostat control because we'd be "irresponsible" (hello? Biology and CONSERVATION department? Most of us raised during the Carter administration? Trust me, we won't be setting it on 62 in the summers and 80 in the winters. I'd be happy with it being 68 degrees in here).

They also haven't yet responded to our complaint that the fire alarms don't work in the building. Even though the local fire department has nailed them for it.

Actually, I SHOULD go home...I wouldn't want to burn up if the building caught on fire and I didn't realize it.

The thing is - if the heat's not on now, it's not going to be on at 8 am Monday when classes restart. And it probably won't warm up in here - EVEN IF the heat goes on at 8 am Monday - until mid-day Tuesday.

Thanks a lot, guys. There ARE some of us who actually work on the weekend, you know?

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