Monday, February 12, 2007

I've said it before....

....I'll say it again:

God bless whoever it was that invented Excedrin Migraine. We are entering the "spring weather pattern" here, which means we get days when it's 60* and thunderstorming, and the next day it may be 30* and trying to snow. And the problem with that kind of temperature change - especially coupled with low pressure cells - is that I get massive, painful, want-to-remove-ones-eyes-with-an-icepick migraines.

And because I'm generally a big wimp about things medical, I've not gone to the doctor for the ergotamine-based "This will take care of your migraine...but in some rare cases might stop your heart" medicines. So I take the OTC stuff.

Usually the Excedrin Migraine works, if I take it soon enough after starting with the headache (I've learned to keep a bottle in my office. And I'm not generous about sharing.)

Today, it's reduced the migraine to sort of a dull roar. I don't feel GREAT but I feel like I'll be able to make it through my 3 pm class.

One weird thing about migraines is I can tell when I'm getting one, I get sort of dyslexic (I'm having to very carefully proofread this) and I also get that weird brain cramp thing where you can't think of words you want to use. Which is bad in front of classes. I don't know why it affects my language generation centers but it usually does. I'm still ok at PROCESSING spoken/written word (unless I'm in so much pain that I'm rolling around on the floor begging the person to stop talking and leave me in peace and quiet), but it's hard for me to write/speak.

I've heard they're working on some kind of electrostimulation thing to fight off migraines, as they're somewhat similar to epilepsy in that it's some kind of short circuit in the brain wiring (apparently; I know the vascular system is also involved and funky changes in blood pressure can also affect them). I don't know if it would be an implanted device or something external. I'm kind of hoping for external because I don't get migraines enough to want to go under the knife to cure them, but if there were like a couple electrodes I could paste on my temples and zap the headache any time it started, I'd buy it.

The only other thing I have to say is: I hope to GOD that meth-heads or other druggies never find a way to distill a controlled substance from Excedrin Migraine, so it's taken off the market or made into a "I will give you my passport, a pint of my blood, and the right to request one of my kidneys if you need it" type of drug, like they did with the cold medications. I don't take cold medications (they dink with my blood pressure and I'd rather tough out a cold with a vaporizer and saline nasal spray) but I've heard horror stories of the agony friends have gone through to just score a few tabs of Advil Cold and Sinus or something like that.

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