Saturday, March 24, 2007

Back. Tired.

And writing the Sunday School lesson I need for tomorrow.

That about sums it up.

It's good to see my parents (and my brother and sister-in-law), but it's also good to be back in my own home again.

I needed the break though; I don't always recognize that I'm starting to burn out a little until after I've pulled out of it. And the two or three weeks previous to last week, I was getting kind of burned out - not as able to face things with good humor, not as able to step back and kind of shrug and go, "Well, I don't have any control over that" about things I really don't have control over, things like that.

Fortunately the break fixed that.

I also didn't get sick. (I was worried after I had the student with some kind of stomach virus).

The next two weeks are short weeks for me. This coming week, Friday, I go to judge the state high school science fair (which is always fun; you get the top of the top students at those things, and I get to see colleagues at other universities, and I get a free lunch, even). And the week after that is Good Friday.

I'm contemplating something I've never done before: fasting on Good Friday. Partly to see if I can. Food plays a bigger role in my life than it probably could; it is probably a bigger stumbling block to me than it should be. Perhaps spending a day consciously fasting will help me confront the fact that I tend to turn to food emotionally and at other times when I'm not actually hungry. (Or maybe not. I get all these highfalutin' ideas that doing a single thing will give me this giant epiphany that changes my life, and if I know myself, it won't. I'll probably be surprised I'm able to do it, but it won't change my eating habits at all)

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