Thursday, May 13, 2010

God forgive me...

...but every time I see Susan Estrich interviewed somewhere, I half expect her to break into a chorus of either "Hello, Dolly" or "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend."


Heroditus Huxley said...

Much like every time Susan Sarandon whinges about the progressivist cause of the week, all I can hear is her singing "Toucha toucha toucha touch me...I wanna feel dirty!" from *The Rocky Horror Picture Show.*

Kate P said...

I _thought_ she looked like somebody else but I couldn't place it! Hee hee!

I don't know if it was my ninth grade English teacher's original comment or if he was quoting someone else, but the minute I see or hear Carol Channing, I hear his voice:

"Carol Channing! She opens her mouth and her whole head disappears!"

Mr. Bingley said...

That used to always be my reaction too, HH, but it's been replaced now by thinking of her puppet in "Team America."