Tuesday, July 06, 2010

No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no

So, Coworker 2 failed to show up yet again.

And then I get an e-mail from coworker 2. They were apparently "picked up" over the weekend for DUI. And their car is now impounded. So they can't drive.

I'm done. I'm done. I can't deal with this any longer. This person also e-mailed me their phone number with a thinly-veiled request to "call and remind them" before a workday.

No. I won't do that. My momma didn't raise me to be someone's "Minder." At least not an adult someone. If I wanted to raise a kid I'd get a kid of my own.

What frustrates me, I guess, is that people see my outside. They see someone who appears to have all her stuff "together," and so they assume it's easy for me, and that I should help them keep and/or get their stuff "together."

What they don't see is the huge effort, the force of will, that it takes me every day to KEEP my stuff "together." That I'm worn out when I get home because of the effort of making sure everything works and I'm prepared and I get the stuff done I need to have done.

And I sure as shooting don't need another person's life to keep together piled up on top of mine.

I just sort of wanted to cry when I read coworker 2's e-mail today. I don't know why I seem to attract people who have strange bad things happening in their lives, but it seems like they do.

(Also: I admit a certain frustrated anger. It was FOURTH OF JULY FREAKING WEEKEND. Like, the second biggest weekend of the year they're going to have police patrols out looking for people driving impaired. It was even on the news that they were doing that! Even beyond the stupidity of driving impaired (this person is damn lucky they didn't get hurt or hurt someone else), it's really stupid to do it on a weekend when there is a cop like every 2500 feet on the highway (and there was. I went out to an event with a group from church and when we were driving back, seriously, there was a cop sitting there every half mile on the highway, just waiting)

I haven't e-mailed coworker 2 back yet; I'm trying to figure out something to say that's not going to be unnecessarily harsh.

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