Monday, June 14, 2010

Something great to see

Today is, of course, Flag Day. And also the birthday of the U.S. Army.

Driving in to work today, I saw that someone (I think it's the local American Legion, or maybe the VFW chapter) had gone around town and put out American flags on all the corners - they must have been out as soon as the sun came up because they weren't there yesterday, and I drive in to work around 7 am.

It always makes me glad to see them. Glad that there's someone who cares about putting them out, glad that the property owners are proud to fly the flags on their property.

The flags also come out for Memorial Day and Independence Day and Veterans' Day (and possibly, in recent years on Sept. 11).

We seem to have a large and active group of military veterans in my town who consider doing things like this - and also going around to the schools and speaking on things like flag etiquette and their memories of their wartime experience - an important service. (And it is. I'm glad to hear that schoolkids are learning about the military service from guys who actually participated. We even have a few WWII vets who are still able to go around and talk about their service).

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