Monday, September 25, 2006

Sheila made me do it.

Sheila O'Malley, that is.

I'd post comments on her blog, or on other blogs, and someone would say, "ricki, when are you going to get your own blog?" And frankly, I never knew for sure if it was a case of "we like your writing, we'd like to see what you do in a longer form" or a case of politely saying, "shut up already on our blog."

But well, here goes. This is my own little home for my own little rants and rambles. I'm going to try to keep it at least semi-anonymous; there are things I'd like to complain about that I don't want the complainees to be able to pinpoint me for. And I'm going to pseudonymize anyone I talk about on here - other than, I guess, the other bloggers I link to.

So, as the first lungfish said as it crawled out of the primordial ooze to begin evolving as a land critter, here goes nothing.

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