Monday, September 25, 2006

some more ground rules

1. I don't know how often I'll post here. Maybe daily, maybe weekly. Depends on when something either delights me or gets under my skin.

2. Right now I'm not requiring people who comment to be "registered" (I presume that means with Blogger). But I do have the word verification feature turned on. I may change things as I get spam or rude-n-lewd comments.

3. I don't know how political I will get here. I don't tend to follow politics THAT much despite my offhand comments on others' blogs; frankly I'm pretty dense about the whole thing. But I will do social commentary here.

4. Yeah, yeah. I know, I don't have an e-mail link up there. Until I decide to set something up in gmail or Yahoo or some other email set up that allows semianonymity, because both my current email addresses have some permutation of my name in them.

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