Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What part of "I don't want to hear it" don't you get?

So, one of my colleagues comes by my office.

"I have some news about Dick Cheney" he says (this is someone who has ALL the snarky jokes from ALL the snarky "comedy news" programs out there and who shares them with all and sundry, even those who don't appreciate them.)

I put up my hand. "I'm really stressed out and busy right now and I'm avoiding the news as much as I can." I respond.

So, he keeps going:

"He had a blood clot! They gave him rat poison! He didn't die! So I guess I was wrong about him! hahahahahaha!"

I looked VERY COLDLY at him and quietly said: "my dad takes 'rat poison.' It's called Warfarin. It keeps him from dying."

Guy was totally unabashed by it. He's one of those "Everything's a big joke that I disagree with, and everything's deadly serious that I agree with" types. I mean, I like him as a person - but his politics and his tendency to think no joke is in poor enough taste when it involves a politician on the right just wears on me.

I don't appreciate the kind of constant mean humor. Look. I don't like Cheney that much - I wish he were retired instead of VP. But - to make a joke about his having a blood clot - that's just really in poor taste. (My mother's best friend, several years ago, died of a blood clot. They didn't give her the 'rat poison' fast enough, I guess.)

I'm still sort of sad and raw-feeling and I just want to withdraw into myself and work on stuff without talking to anyone for a few days.

I probably should have reamed the guy for his poor-taste joke, but I just don't have the energy for that kind of fight right now.


Joel said...

The best response to "They gave him rat poison! He didn't die! So I guess I was wrong about him!" I can think of would be, "Yeah, I reckon you were. How's your resistance?"

Although being a woman, you have the option of shaming the dolt by following the reference to your dad with bursting into tears. Even a lout like this should back down at that.

Anonymous said...

On 99% of today's campuses, how long would the guy's job last if he constantly made hostile jokes about liberal politicos?

Ridiculing conservatives is "free speech." Ridiculing liberals is "hate speech."