Friday, May 02, 2008

A challenge to myself...

There is a town about an hour south of me - let's call it Boutiqueville. It has wonderful shopping - antique stores, a couple of quilt shops, nice places to get lunch, fancy soap shops, gourmet shops - all the lovely little things that my dusty little town tends to lack.

I'm dying to go there again sometime. The last time I went was back in February around my birthday - being busy coupled with the rising price of gas have tended to keep me home.

But I feel the need to get out and blow the dregs of the last semester out of my mind by spending a day on ME. Just me - no one else. (Well, I will pick up a birthday gift for my mom if I see something good). The gas cost be damned. (I think the round trip will take a little under a half-tank).

So I've challenged myself - if I can grade all 24 of my student research papers this afternoon (and do a decent job of it - I'm not going to half-ass things just so I can get out of town), AND if I can work in the hour of exercise I was too tired to do this morning, I am going to go to Boutiqueville tomorrow and have a good day - a day to myself - a day without demanding people demanding stuff from me.

So, go go ricki. Grade those papers. Earn that trip to Boutiqueville.

1 comment:

Maggie May said...

Good luck! I hope you get everything done so you can have your day. You deserve it!