Wednesday, June 09, 2010

I know, "it doesn't hurt to ask," but still...

I give short weekly tests in my summer classes. At the end of my non-majors class today, one of the women came up to me and asked,

"So? Is this going to be an open book test?"

Wait, what? Sweetheart, this is a 100 level freshman general education class. The material is so basic that when I get non-traditional students who "have" to take it for their distribution, they come to me and say, "Am I wrong or is this stuff really really simple and stuff I learned in high school?" and I tell them "No, you're not wrong. I hope you don't get too bored."

It blows my mind that she'd even ASK, in a class like this. (Actually, it scares me a little: if she's so overwhelmed by the information ALREADY that she thinks an open-book test is going to be necessary...)

1 comment:

Kate P said...

Maybe she just needs to get weaned from those kinds of things. I hope.

I was a bit floored by how huge the (permissible) "cheat sheets" were in the science midterm I proctored in January. That's high school, but still. . .