Thursday, February 15, 2007

clocky, meet rifley....

There is a new product out there.

It is an alarm clock that "runs away from you.".

Presumably so that you don't turn it off, roll over, and go back to bed.

The other day on It Comes in Pints? I commented that I had a dearth of "violent" hobbies. But if I had an alarm clock like this, I'd quickly develop one:

Clocky, meet rifley.
Clocky, meet Mr. Mallet.
Clocky, meet The Screwdriver Gang.

I mean, I'm a morning person and all and I do manage to haul my sorry lumpen butt out of bed at 5 am most of the time. But a clock that runs under the bed while still issuing forth what is doubtless (given its apparently Japanese origin) a very shrill and annoying beep, that's just cruel.

no one should have to listen to that first thing in the morning.

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