Friday, December 08, 2006

Really. Not. Cute

Okay. So one of the people scheduled to prevent failed to show (this happens; sometimes people are so phobic about public speaking that they'd rather forfeit all those points). I commented on it and said, yeah, I guess he chose not to do it.

And my 'I'm so cute! I'm so funny!' guy piped up with "We could choose not to do it?"

And he was very loud. It wasn't like one of those hee-hee-hee, behind-the-hand comments.

You know? His stuff was old the second week of the semester. I just looked at him and sighed and said, "yes, but then you'd forfeit all those points."

As this is someone who has loudly bruited his lack of edumacational prowess (he is the one who said, "Studying hard and I, we really don't get along"), that kind of shut him up as the rest of the class rolled their eyes (and I think a few were thinking in my direction, "just dismiss us now, please, so I can get away from this turkey!")

But it doesn't matter now. Home, weekend, couch, relaxation. Not having to listen to some wise-acre-who-thinks-he's-funny.

(Dear God, I hope he's not in my Soils class next semester...taking his brand of humor at 8 am might be more than I can bear).

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