Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oh great

I guess it's time for me to start stockpiling this stuff, because SOMEONE will probably insist it be taken off the market soon.

I perhaps have to explain: I canNOT tolerate decongestants. Any of 'em. They speed up my heart rate, raise my blood pressure and generally make me miserable. So when I get a cold or am having allergy problems, the two things I can do is take Guafenisin (sometimes now known as "mucinex") and put Vick's on before I go to sleep.

While it may not MAKE you better, it sure makes you feel like you're breathing better. I've used it for years and never had a negative side effect. (Of course, you have to be smart enough not to eat the stuff or something). Vick's has contributed to my increased comfort while infected with a cold many a time.

Another, off label use: it will often help with low-grade skin fungal infections. Now, I wouldn't use it in the "sensitive" regions, but I did have a small one under an arm once (it happens, especially in the humid summers where I live) and the Vicks cleared it up. And my brother uses it for the patches he gets on his scalp under where his bike helmet hits. It's cheaper and less likely to cause side effects than stuff like ketoconozole.

It frustrates me when researchers go looking for a "reason" why some product isn't safe, because you can pretty much bet that Those Who Would Wrap Everyone in Bubble Wrap will demand its banning.

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