Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Uh oh

One of my colleagues - she has been an "instructor" which means it's a non-tenure-track position - is packing up her office. And the department chair alluded to "how are we going to cover her classes."

I HOPE it is not a situation of her having to leave (she's had a variety of health issues the past year, plus she and her husband had plans to move at some point) or her being let go. But somehow I don't think this is "long term planning of how we can cover her position STARTING IN THE SUMMER."

Crap. I haven't even processed the whole "she's leaving the department" thing in the social sense - this was someone I regard as a friend, even though we haven't hung out much lately because of our schedules. It'll hit me in a day or so, that I won't have her around to talk to, and then I'll be all sad about that. Right now I'm kind of in panic-mode about how we will cover her classes and how much extra work we are all going to need to do.

A quick check of the website - she teaches 3 sections of the intro majors class, plus five of the labs for that class.

I have never taught the class but I have taught the labs.

I am a bit fearful right now that "how we are going to plan" will mean people winding up with giant unpaid overloads. (I already have an overload this semester, but it's only 1 credit. Adding a section of the lecture would take me up to 16 credit hours).

If this was a "let go for budget reasons" situation, it's really unconscionable for the powers that be to pull it so fast. (If it's an "I have to leave for health reasons" I will pray for her and feel sad, but will be more understanding).

I could teach a lab section and I GUESS I would volunteer to. But I really don't want to teach the lecture section - there is one that would fit in my schedule, but it would be a new prep on top of another new prep, plus a class that is in the process of being highly modified. And I already do a lot in the way of "service" that some folks don't do. And I do more research than some folks.

And I was planning on starting piano lessons this spring, and if I have to teach 16 credit hours, there will be no way I can do that. I'll have to call my teacher and tell her I can't do it because I will have no time to practice. (And I may have to sharply curtail blogging and blog reading).

This makes me very sad. I hope we can line up some adjunct who'd be willing to do it but I'm not hopeful.

I hope I'm misinterpreting the office-cleaning and it's just a "I'm getting ready for when I leave at the end of this semester" and not "I'm going to be gone next week."

Once again: I know why things have to change but the eight-year-old in me is throwing a tantrum right now about the fact that they DO change.

1 comment:

Mr. Bingley said...

This is the time when the administration finds out how many students will not be returning for the spring semester, and how many sections of certain classes need to be cut. And that means instructors getting cut.

With the economy my guess is there will be many students not able to pay their spring tuition bills.