Tuesday, May 26, 2009

mantra to self

I will not poke the crazy.
I will not poke the crazy.
I will not poke the crazy.

People who have stupid opinions will not change their minds based on what I have to say.

I will not poke the crazy.

(One of the discussion boards I frequent has someone who flounced in and kind of dropped a random snarky comment in the middle of a discussion. It's obviously someone who's agendized and who didn't pay attention to what we are actually saying. But it's so hard not to fire off a response pointing out how if they had ONLY READ OUR POSTS FIRST and if they had not LEAPT UPON THEIR HIGH HORSE without hearing what we were saying first, they would see that what they had said made no sense. But I also get the feeling that this is Crazy that doesn't need Poking).

I will not poke the crazy.

ETA: it pays not to Poke the Crazy. One of the board moderators went on and basically told the person who posted the Crazy comment, "You are misunderstanding what these folks are talking about and you posted a knee-jerk response. Please do not do that in the future." Hah.

1 comment:

The Fifth String said...

"I will not poke the crazy" is my new favorite expression.