Friday, June 22, 2007


Bought my skein of yarn.

You know, it does make me feel better.


Is something screwy with the Innernets today? It seems like every other site I try - just about all of them ones that supply some vital information for a paper rewrite I'm doing today - are timing out. A check of the Task Manager doesn't show that I'm overtaking my poor 'puter's brain, so I don't think it's that my Dell has suddenly gone Lloyd Christmas on me.

But it's annoying as stink - I'm not enjoying this rewrite already, thanks to my co-author's snarky comments and vague "you need to fix this" references. (How, dear man, HOW? "fix this" gives me no direction and no instruction.)

Doesn't help that the humidity, my periodic insomnia, my periodic anxiety have all come to visit me all at once and I'm both tired and feeling like I want to crawl out of my skin.

I'm going to try to put in another solid hour on this, and then I'm gonna bail and go home. And maybe come back tomorrow.

1 comment:

red fish said...

I think the yarn idea is genius! Unfortunately I have put myself on a yarn diet this month. We have had some unexpected expenses lately (like car repairs and medical expenses). You and I know that one can never have too much yarn, but my husband feels that one can spend too much of the monthly budget on yarn. I'm not complaining, though. His common sense probably keeps us off of the street. (If you ever see a homeless woman knitting with quivet, it will be me after I've stopped listening to my husband.)