Monday, November 10, 2008

In my revolution...

...telemarketers (and spammers) would be the first up against the metaphorical wall.

(No, no. I wouldn't really SHOOT them. Their phones, maybe. Their robo-dialers, certainly. The people, no. I'd probably have them go work on the communal rutabaga farm and see that they were clothed and fed.)

I went home at lunchtime, seeing as I teach all morning, then have a break until 4 pm, after which I teach until 6. And tonight, I have the added joy of the Church Women's meeting - a group of which I am pretty well the only non-retired member who has to be somewhere before 8 the next morning (which means that the others "pick a little, talk a little" until I stand up and say, "I have class at 8" very bluntly, and leave).

Also, last night was a bad night. ()$*&%ing perimenopause (which is what I am CONVINCED this is) wouldn't let me sleep. So I'm tired on top of it.

So I decided to try to grab a short nap, hoping that might help.

I'm lying down and the phone rings. (I wasn't asleep or I really would have to hurt someone). My first thought: oh crap, the only person who knows I'm at home is my co-teacher for the night class; something really must have gone pear-shaped and he needs me.

So I got up and answered.

And there was that telltale pause. That damnable pause. That pause that tells you you have just been tele-punk'd, that you have fallen prey to some telemarketer who somehow manages to slime through the net cast by the Do Not Call list.

And then the recording started:

"Do not be alarmed!" a falsely chipper female voice exclaimed, "But your warranty is nearly up!"

I really should listen to the damn thing all through, copy down the callback number, and report it to the FCC or somewhere. But rage gets the better of me and I slam the phone down after those first two sentences.

I know, some businesses can claim exemption based on "having done prior business." But this is a business talking about selling me an extended warranty on my car (if I remember from the one time I let it play nearly through). My car is 9 years old. There ain't no reputable company gonna sell me an extended warranty on it.

I think that telemarketers are the worst. Spam is next in line. And then junk mail - at least junk mail doesn't rouse you from sleep or pull you off the couch when the game's just getting good


Cullen said...

Even Douglas Adams lamented marketing:

For instance, the entry on the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation describes their marketing division as "a bunch of mindless jerks who will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.

Wikipedia entry.

Kate P said...

It seems like the one area of advertising that hasn't evolved with the times and technology, right? Right now I'm dealing with subscribers to the local paper who used to have the phone number that is mine now. . . no, this isn't the Gudaree family's number anymore, and no, thank you, I don't want a subscription, either.