Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I meant to sleep in this morning but I guess the time-change has affected me (my first class is at 9; my office hours start at 7:30).

The election outcome was, for me, like Schroedinger's Cat until I got up and turned on the tv. I didn't watch the coverage (except for one tiny peek at Fox mid-evening). I didn't want to. I have overloaded on talking heads.


I will admit to quoting Ralphie Parker when I turned the tv on and saw 349 to 149 or whatever they're quoting now. (Except I really DID say, "Ohhhhh fffffffffuuuuuuudddddgggeeee" and not that other thing.)

Ah well. At least it's not a 296-269 split, and at least we're not going to be subject to weeks of recounting. (And absent clear evidence of voter fraud and such, I'm not goin' down that path. I know some will, but I'm not.)


And another little contrarian opinion for today: in opposition to many of my colleagues on the right end of center, I actually hope Obama does a decent job. I hope the people claiming he's more centrist then we've been lead to believe are right. Because I love my country and I wouldn't wish a bad rotten president on her just to spite one party or the other.

And I do think the people of America are good enough and decent enough that if, say, Obama picks a really, really bad adviser, who suggests doing something that's really, really bad for the country, we will stand up and say "NO" and we will be listened to.


And I have to say: even though the new President is not the one who was my choice, one remarkable thing?

We have elected a man that most people, if asked, would qualify as "Black" (I'm not gonna split the mixed-race hair here) as president. To the highest office in the nation. And this, just 50 or so years after the Supreme Court intervened to forcibly desegregate schools.

I really don't think we're a racist nation, regardless of what some say. There may be racist individuals. It may be harder for someone from the economic underclass to achieve their dreams (but that's economic, not necessarily racial).

And yeah, I do hope he does a good job. I hope my worst fears are just that - fears, and unfounded. (And I'd rather have him than Pelosi as president.)


One little fear? That we're going to get a lot more nannying laws in these next four years.


I guess I should at least be happy I won't have to deal with exploding heads on the part of my colleagues today. Though I may come down with an acute case of Gloat Poisoning. Or Second-Hand Gloat. Or whatever you want to call it.

Damn, I'm just ready for people to shut up about this.

How many days until Christmas? Is it time to roll out the Rankin-Bass specials yet?

(I may not "go John Galt," but I'm very good at "going ostrich.")

1 comment:

Mr. Bingley said...

Yeah, unfortunately the petulant left has the annoying 'gloat' habit.

I guess they feel the need to remind us schtuuuupid ones of their innate superiority.