Friday, March 07, 2008

food fountains...

(Not to be confused with Foo Fighters...)

Another site linked to the nacho fountain that I posted about the other day, with a few other pointers: apparently some brands of fountains work better than others (one even comes with a viscosity-testing funnel so you can try out any semiliquid food you want). Oh, there are also the necessary-on-any-thread-of-this-nature detractors, saying stuff like "That's so gross!" or "Did you ever think about the BACTERIA something like that could pick up" (at least that's what I assume the first commenter, with her remark about "heated up and exposed to air, then mixed back in...") Well, you don't have to eat it.

One person made mention of a caramel fountain. I must pause here to emit a Homer Simpson-esque "Mmmmmmm......arrrrrrrrgggggghhh" and drool. Because: Caramel. Fountain. Can you imagine how awesome that could be? (With the right caramel; it needs to have a little salt in it, and be made with real sugar instead of HFCS so it's not make-your-teeth-retract-in-horror sweet. But the right kind of creamy, buttery, not-to-sweet caramel....that could be heaven. In a fountain.)

Someone needs to dream up a "Food Fountain Party" - with fountains of nachos, and maybe one of really, really hot broth so you could do something like a Chinese hot pot, and various beverage fountains, and maybe a garlic-butter fountain for dunking bread and vegetables in, and of course, caramel and chocolate fountains for dessert.

Too lowbrow, you say? Too gimmicky? Ah, but that's what makes it so wonderful - there is a point where "too gimmicky" becomes so gimmicky, so tasteless, that it transcends the whole issue of style and taste and becomes a wonderful phenomenon unto itself.


WordGirl said...

You mean like fondue? But kinda' tricked out?

marshymallow said...

Two words...
Way. Cool.