Thursday, March 06, 2008

I shouldn't laugh, but

I got notification today inviting me to send students to a symposium in Portugal.

It's called Larval 2008.

I know it is supposed to be a symposium on the biology of larvae, but "Larval 2008" sounds more to me like a music festival.

Maybe a music festival you really don't want to go to.

"Larval 2008! Rockin' with Ecdysone*!"

"Larval 2008! Don't eat the brown grubs, people, the brown grubs are bad"

"Larval 2008! You really don't want to feel the creatures that are body surfing!"

(*ecdysone = "molting hormone" - the hormone that makes larvae molt and grow to a bigger size).


Kate P said...

LOL! Considering the fact that the only Portuguese people I know are very twisted but in a good way, I'm not terribly surprised.

"Larval 2008! Come on, get slimy!"

WordGirl said...

"brown grubs" [heh]

Yes, yes... the Portuguese ARE a fun people aren't they, Kate?