Friday, March 14, 2008

s.y.g., i.g.h.

I used to watch South Park.

I don't so much any more - I just got tired of the crudeness and the general gleeful "let's be as rude and insulting as we possibly can!" (some of the earlier episodes - like the Chinpokomon one - actually had some funny social commentary, but it seems recently when I try to watch it, it's just sort of gross humor and "phoning it in")

Anyway. I remember one of Cartman's lines from an episode:

"Screw you guys; I'm goin' home."

(which he repeated later on as "Screw you....home" while pointing in the general direction of his house).

I've kind of adopted that line for the end of a hard week, or especially the day when I go on vacation.

(Never mind that going on vacation isn't technically going "home." Perhaps it's going "home" in a state-of-mind, of being able to relax. But whatever, I'm not into splitting linguistic hairs).

And I feel it now. I'm trying to get some papers graded but suspect I won't succeed. Because the childish part of my mind is jumping up and down and going "screw this! you're goin' on vacation!" (and yes, almost in a perfect Eric Cartman voice.)

But I do want to do it - so I won't have to do it when I come back, so my students can get their grades from the online grade thingie right away if they want it. So I'm gonna have to stuff down my inner Eric Cartman and get back to work.

1 comment:

Joel said...

As long as your inner Cartman still shouts "Respect mah authority!" at the students from time to time. Just to keep his hand in.