Tuesday, April 22, 2008



I figured this would happen eventually. Someone "big" links to one of my posts and I get scared...scared of being "outed," scared of ticking someone off and losing the really sweet gig I have (despite the fact that there are little annoyances, seriously, the academic life is far far better than the corporate one).

So I'm on the fence - do I delete the post below - out of fear that it could finger who I am - or do I shrug and go "I told three people in real life the story of my misadventure at The Emporium and I am reasonably sure none of them read JJ"

It doesn't help that it's a high-anxiety time of year for me, what with exams looming and my allergies making me feel all cruddy.

(I've redacted the post somewhat, but hate to take the whole thing down...I just don't know. I didn't MEAN it that it was the UNIVERSITY valuing my time so little, but the shopkeeper and her helper... the university rules are just those sort of mindless rules that usually work but sometimes don't and when they don't it's a pain but when they do they protect us from things like the university getting ripped off [like by someone deciding to buy all of Aerosmith's oeuvre off of iTunes on our dime...])

So I really don't know. Prolly should have kept my big mouth (big fingers?) shut, but it was too good a story and I was too annoyed at the time to let it go.

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