Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I don't even remember how I surfed into this but:

I'm in UR Vogue, puttin' captions on.

Yes. Models get LOLcatified. LOLcatitized? a LOLcat Makeover?

Whatever. It's pretty funny.

(And please note: "tard" is not, as I first assumed, the same as "'tard," namely, short for term formerly used for certain mental/developmental disabilities and now considered cruel and non-politically-correct [unless you are a 14 year old boy]. No - "tard" is apparently the LOLmodel for "tired." [apparently these models are all from Alabama?]).

Anyway, two thoughts:

It's kind of obvious (and maybe a little cruel), but "I can has nootreeentz?" made me laugh.

And second - if that's "high" fashion, damn. I'm glad I'm unfashionable. (Or maybe it's "high" fashion because that's what some of the designers were when they thunk it up).

Apparently there's a whole series of these; the first one is here

1 comment:

nightfly said...

I've also seen lolteritz (LOL terrorists) on the IMAO website. Not dark humor, but also not a subject matter that everyone can get into.

(word verify: "jsqqqpd" - George Lucas' password for everything)