Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This is why...

I love my summer classes so much.

Today I was talking about meiosis, and the human life cycle, and all that.

And I talked about how "all" men needed to contribute to the formation of a baby (well, at least before it comes out of the womb) was some DNA, and the mom needed contribute allllllll the cell organelles, the mitochondrion, the cytoplasm, and all, and THEN she has to carry the baby for 9 months...(yes, I play it up a little, and yes, maybe it's a leeetle bit sexist, but it makes the students laugh and I figure if they're laughing over something they may be more likely to remember it).

And then, at the end of class, when one of the guys - a young-married with two small children at home - talked about how he didn't have to go to work today so he could go home and "relax," one of the women (herself a mother) scolded him gently:

"Rocky, you need to go home and change some diapers or something. Because all you had to do earlier was just contribute some DNA."



Kate P said...

Oh, that is priceless. You must have some sharp ones there!

nightfly said...

Nice comeback - but of course he could always have shot back, "Well, what did you think I meant by 'relax'?"

(word verify - I swear I am not making this up - "sxdhedtn." I have no further comment.)