Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More teaching and a question

Thanks, guys. I probably need to keep a link to that post somewhere, and look it up periodically, just to remind myself.

I did have something weird happen today. It was lab, which means the dynamics of the class are kind of relaxed. But I had a student make a TOTALLY inappropriate (like, sexually inappropriate) joke right in front of me.

I mean, REALLY inappropriate. Not like blush a little and move on inappropriate (and though I am a prude in some ways I can also appreciate a good raunchy joke), it was more like Oh My Goodness My Jaw Is Hanging Open I canNOT Believe You Said That And Do You Kiss Your Girlfriend With That Mouth? inappropriate.

All I could do was kinda go "Uh...buh..." and change the subject.

I think he realized that he had crossed a serious line because one of the women over near him smacked him, and then he got bright red. But still - one of the more bizarre moments I've experienced.


And (how's THIS for a non sequitur), here's the question:

We are talking about doing another Youth Movie Night in a few weeks. Do any of you with teen and pre-teen kids (boys especially) have good but fairly clean (this IS church group after all) movies to recommend? PG rating would be ideal, PG-13 is ok provided the 13 isn't for too many sweary bits or too many nudie bits. (And the less taking-of-His-name-in-vain, the better).

I'm thinking one of the sports movies that's come out over the past few years...I suggested "Miracle" (the one about the 1980 Olympic hockey team) but I'm afraid that as this group is all too young by 15 or so years they might not get into it).

I've seen "Remember the Titans" and I remember liking it, but I was (a) exhausted and (b) trapped on a shuttle bus at the time, so I don't remember whether there was much in the way of "inappropriateness" in it.

Also it would be ideal if the movie was less than 2 hours long, so the Lord of the Rings epic, though it might be well-received, is probably out for this particular movie fest.

I showed National Treasure a few years ago and the kids seemed to enjoy it but I've seen the sequel and wasn't that impressed. And Apollo 13 didn't go over as well as I'd hoped (and it also had more, um, questionable bits in it... I know the kids SEE worse on a regular basis on TV but I do like to keep some standards considering it's Youth Group.)

There are a lot of cartoons or kid-movies I like, but as these are teen boys, it's not "cool" for them to like such movies...even if they really, deep-down, do. Which is why I was thinking some kind of good sports-movie might work, especially if it has some subtle or not-so-subtle message like "don't be mean to the Black guys just because they're Black" or "Sometimes you can succeed at things that people tell you you won't succeed at if you work really hard" or even just "Teamwork is cool"


Kate P said...

Oh, man, he needed to be reminded that the gutter is outside--good for whoever gave him a wake-up smack. Here's one for ya: This morning I had to ask a fourth grade girl to stop massaging the back of the boy in front of her as my mentor-librarian was reading to the class. Weird!

As for movies, I got nothin' for sports, but I figure you can't go wrong with "The Princess Bride," except they might have seen it already?

Sheila O'Malley said...

A movie I saw recently that I loved, ricki, was The Great Debaters. Really inspirational ... have you seen it? A group of kids from a Negro college in the 1930s on the debate team ... The hardship, the struggles, the fact that it is the intellect that is the most important ...

A couple of iffy things I can think of: there's a scene where they, on their way to a debate meet, come across a lynching in the woods - and there's also a sexual thing that happens between two of the debate kids. So maybe check it out for yourself and see if you think it would be appropriate - but I looooved the movie!

It's kinda like a sports movie - only with debating!

Cullen said...

From what I recall, Remember the Titans was really good.

How about Facing the Giants?