Tuesday, October 21, 2008

no flak for you

I totally agree, Alli.

I feel like this election has been going on for a decade. I'm ready for it to be over. (But not ready for the Monday-morning quarterbacking that will inevitably happen on Nov. 5, and the anger, and possibly the retribution that people of the losing group might commit against people of the winning group.)

(It occurs to me that politics is becoming more like sports. While we haven't seen cars turned over and set on fire yet following a big political win (or loss), I expect it's coming some day.)

Okay,, a bit more of a political post. But this is the last one:

I'm telling myself - because otherwise I worry too much - that whoever is elected probably won't affect my life too greatly. I'm trying to ignore the "ZOMG you will be taxed to death," or the "But the New Tax Rebate For Health Care means your employer will stop offering it, and because you're Teh Fatz, you won't be able to get insurance on your own!" thoughts. (Which, yeah, is one of my real concerns about McCain - the whole health-insurance plan he has sounds like it will give employers a good excuse to just drop offering it as a perq - to stop offering it altogether, and leave the companies free to cherry pick only the people they want. And yeah, I know, it used to be that everyone paid for their own health care, but it also used to be that most people who had cancer died of it pretty fast.)

Part of the reason I'm backing McCain, I have to admit, is that I like gridlock in Washington. And though a McCain presidency with this current congress would be less gridlocky than some R presidencies, still. I don't like it when the Congress and the Pres are too sympatico; then people start getting clever ideas like, "Hey....we could make lots of revenue by taxing single childless people and calling it the They Can Afford It Act." or "You know what would be cool? Requiring people purchasing ammunition to write their initials on every bullet with a Sharpie at the point-of-purchase, because then when they dig the slugs out of someone, they will know who shot them!" or "Let's make a National Law banning trans fats so we can protect The Children!"

In other words: unless you're dealing with some very unusual people, a Congress and a President that work well together often lead to expansion of government. Probably not as insane-in-the-membrane as I've talked about above, but still.

And my biggest issue (well, after national defense) is not making government any dang bigger or more intrusive than it is now. (Unfortunately, it seems that neither presidential candidate will be very good at that. So as a default, I vote for the one most likely to be at loggerheads with Congress, or at least with its more "Hey...let's do this because it will Save People From Themselves" members.)

But yeah, it feels like this campaign has gone on way too long. The sad thing is, I bet the folks thinking about 2012 are figuring they will need to start even EARLIER. I honestly expect to see in my lifetime, a time when people start campaigning for the next presidential election before the current one is even over...


Anonymous said...

Obama's been running for President since before he was elected to the Senate. At least if you listen to the news here in Chicagoland. I'm convinced he's paid off someone important because NONE of our stations will report anything slightly sketchy about him. Its bizarre.

Thats the real reason I'm backing McCain personally. Obama's inablilty to handle controversy (how could he get practice, everyone in a position to call him out is in the tank!) makes me very nervous. Theres not a day that goes by a potus doesn't have an emergency or decision to make.... and I don't trust him to not freeze. McCain can at least make an important decision on the fly.

And its nice to know someone else is exhausted by the election too. I've been lurking here for a while. (Oh man, now I sound creepy stalker, but I'm not. Promise.) :-P

nightfly said...

Alli - you're not alone. Both Colin Powell and Joe Biden have recently put their boot in it by flat-out saying that people will assume that Obama is weak and test him on the international stage within six months of his election. And Biden added that a lot of people are going to assume that Obama will reply badly, but to stick with him anyway.

You can't make this stuff up. On the one hand, it's reassuring to hear even his VP and potential Secretary of State come right out with it, because he has NOTHING ELSE.

The Big O's own words on what makes him qualified to be President - "I've run this campaign!" Try telling a prospective employer that your primary experience for the job you want is that you're interviewing for it. Yeah, that's gonna fly. Or list on your resume that you spent 20 months on the clock for one boss trying desperately to leave his employ.

That's why nobody's "allowed" to ask him anything now - when they do neither he nor anyone associated with him can answer with anything other than "HOPE AND CHANGE!"

This comment is almost as long as a stump speech, so let me finish up... I was reading Edmund Morris' excellent Theodore Roosevelt biography (can't wait for volume three) and it's incredible how little campaigning went on 100 years ago - the politicking was behind the scenes until after the conventions. Somehow we wound up with enough decent-to-good Presidents to not totally wreck the place. The First Amendment is worth the unfortunate side effects, but sometimes the symptoms are a little hard to deal with...

Kate P said...

Yay for Alli delurking! And 'Fly, that biography sounds very interesting.

I am very thankful that I will not be at the high school when they do their mock election next week. Already I've noticed posters (carefully done by students) in the hallways that have been defaced--and then after the principal got on the PA system to tell *everybody* that anyone caught defacing posters will be suspended for vandalism, someone on the library staff told me students also had complained that a TEACHER destroyed a poster. . . I can't take the ugliness anymore. Especially when it seems to start earlier each time, just as you said, Ricki.