Monday, April 16, 2007

more spam

I know it's not the right day of the week, but I couldn't resist this one:

"He it kismet"

Doesn't that just roll off the tongue? He - it - kismet!

It's almost like the old palindrome, "A man, a plan, a canal - Panama"

I can only imagine the fun that someone like Jerome Kern, or P.G. Wodehouse, or Noel Coward would have writing a song based on that phrase.

I also got one this morning asking me, "Small pen is?"

Small pen is what? Small? I think that's an incomplete sentence there, bucko. Or at the very least, an ill-formed question. If you're asking: do small pens exist? then yes, they do. But it seems like there's a word missing from that question as you have it there.

"Small pen is?" what? And that one reminds me, oddly, of the old Wayne-n-Garth shenanigan; you could say "Small pen says what?" and laugh or say "exactly" when someone said, "What?"

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