Wednesday, April 25, 2007

that time again...

Time for class evaluations. I hate these. As I said before, I'm too good at having a low opinion of myself so I tend to take any negative comment as evidence of my suckitude.

Well, Miss-cellania had a link to this funny You Tube clip of a Singaporean prof reading some of his more memorable comments (warning: there's a bit of language and a startling number of references to his sexiness. Either Singaporean culture is quite different from the U.S., guy-profs get that kind of thing more than girl-profs, or I'm even homelier than I suspected...I did once have a student tell me he "loved me" in my evaluation (and I know it was a he because it was from a class that was 100% male that term) but I've never had anyone comment on my appearance.

I suppose I should be thankful for that.)

At any rate, here it is. It's a bit long but I enjoyed listening to the chap's accent. (I love the comment about his moustache being the source of his power).

I also like the joke Miss-cellania has up about "A dollar a point."

I never had anything like that happen but I did know a guy in grad school who had a student's paper show up on his desk, with a $100 bill paperclipped to it, and a note saying, "I REALLY need an A." The guy did the right thing - called the student up and told him to come and get "what belonged to him" or else he was taking it before the campus academic-conduct board. (I know, some people say, "He should have taken the $100 and just given the paper whatever grade it deserved" but that is still wrong.)

1 comment:

Joel said...

I did once have a student tell me he "loved me" in my evaluation (and I know it was a he because it was from a class that was 100% male that term) but I've never had anyone comment on my appearance.

I hope I won't be thought creepy if I mention that I've seen your picture, and you don't strike me as difficult to look at at all. Couple that with the intelligence and good humor you show here, and I could see a student developing a crush on you.

(If that DOES sound creepy, you're welcome to delete this. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable.)