Wednesday, October 22, 2008

For Ken...

Ask a question, get a LOLanswer.


The Fifth String said...

Hahaha! Thanks Ricki!

Cullen said...

Don't bust on the Dream Theater. And this particular "bootleg" is one of the best cover albums ever done.

There's a story behind DT's "official bootlegs." Before they started releasing official versions of concerts, especially the concerts where they did encores which were entire covers of other band's albums, they were one of the most bootlegged bands out there. So, they rather than fight the bootleggers, they joined in, embraced capitalism and started releasing "official bootlegs" of these concerts.

I understand the joke, but it's a joke from their end also.

Cullen said...

BTW, I'm not seriously offended or anything. That first line should read something like "Hey (mock offense), don't bust on (think I like)."

I meant it in humor and didn't inject enough of it.

nightfly said...

You want a bootleg? The "official" logo for my rec league hockey team is the prism from Dark Side of the Moon - a couple of the founding players are huge Floyd fans. (The team is called the Lunatics, as in "on the grass." Or in this case, "on the rink.")