Thursday, October 11, 2007

BWAH hahahahahaha

Kate, I have no idea how I got on these mailing lists for the spam I get (I get a lot of watch-spam too though), it's not like I troll websites aimed at "enhancement."

But I got a stupid spam today that made me laugh.

Subject line: "MegaDik is your new weapon!"

THAT leads to a very odd mental picture. Especially since a couple of days ago the Craftzine blog posted a story about Siege Weapons of Love. (inflatable thingies designed to look a bit like a cannon but mainly like....well, you can guess).

On second thought - if somehow the Second Amendment ever got repealed, maybe men really WOULD want to make sure they had that "new weapon." (Brings the concept of "whipping it out" a whole new meaning). And isn't there a tradition of calling that particular body part a "pistol" or a "gun" (long before well-chiseled biceps were given that moniker?)

Or maybe this could lead to the development of a VERY underground-comix type superhero.

I don't know. It just boggles the mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been getting the "MegaDik" ones, too. In fact, I get a lot of dick spam. And "please your womyn" spam. I guess spam bots aren't designed to weed down to their target audience.