Saturday, August 04, 2007

best wishes

So Nightfly and his Ladybug are gettin' hitched.

My standard wishes apply: may the marriage be long (lifelong) and happy and your troubles be few. May you be blessed with children if that's what you're planning.

And to be a bit more poetical, I'll cadge a "traditional" (I don't know tradition that well, so I use the quotations as an "out" in case it's not really and truly traditional) Irish wedding blessing from the Internet:

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon the fields.

May the light of friendship guide your paths together.
May the laughter of children grace the halls
of your home.
May the joy of living for one another trip a smile
from your lips,
A twinkle from your eye.

And when eternity beckons,
at the end of a life heaped high with love,
May the good Lord embrace you
with the arms that have nurtured you
the whole length of your joy-filled days.
May the gracious God hold you both
in the palm of His hands.

And, today, may the Spirit of Love
find a dwelling place in your hearts.


Yes. Even someone as cynical as I tend to be about the dating scene has a romantic side. (Perhaps it's BECAUSE I have the romantic side that I've become so soured on how 90% of "dating" goes in the modern world).

But all the best to you both, may you have great joy in sharing a life.

1 comment:

nightfly said...

I am just now finally making the rounds after our return... and thank you for the kind wishes! This will sound sort of funny, considering how some of my elderly relatives braved a 2300-mile round trip to be here, but it's touching to the both of us that people I've only met through a keyboard and monitor have been so kind. Thanks from the both of us!