Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thank God.

So it was a humor piece after all. I kinda thought it was hinky.

(And thanks, North Denver News, for your "I'm smarter than you, haw-haw." It just goes to show how corrupted the news has become, that a humor piece is run in what is assumed to be a serious newspaper, and people, being used to stories of "extreme makeovers," fall for it, and then the newspaper basically preens itself on being too smart for the room. Egad, how I hate the modern climate of snark and "nothing is serious or sacred.")

Oh, and nice slam at Fox News there. I think the real "faux" news is your paper, folks.

I don't know. It irritates me that we live in a world where (a) we're so inured to the sort of stupid self-mutilating things people do to themselves that we don't immediately see through a story like this and (b) that a newspaper thinks it's really funny and clever for having suckered people.

Boy who cried "Wolf," much?

(I will say, in my defense, as I was driving out for my day's errands, I did think about the story and was caught up short - "how can they 'remove and replace' a person's fingernails? They're a growing tissue from a nailbed and screwing with the nailbed will make the nail stop growing. It's gotta be a fake." Other than that - well, what do they expect, that we're all knowledgeable about the fine anatomy of the hand? I mean, I'm a biologist (but not a human physiologist) and I have only a dim comprehension of how all the tendons and muscles interconnect.)


Anonymous said...

Ha! Still got egg on my face, but the contest goes on!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't feel too bad about it. A lot of people believed it because 1) it wasn't very good "satire," if you can call it that at all and 2) hardly anybody in the world has even heard of that rag. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they did it as a stunt to get attention.

Not to mention the super-smug "the great, dumb un-washed just aren't smart enough to get the joke" rebuttal. I especially love at the end where they write "FYI... Dr. Ben Fox Spars [isn't real]. The Fox of course, is reference to Fox News (aka Faux News)." Of course it is! Every single time I hear the word "fox," I immediately think it must be some sort of satirical reference to the news station!

What a bunch of idiots.

Anonymous said...

Quite right, Emily. I think it was poorly done as satire, and that was why the joke fell flat. And I think their scrabbling around and going, "well, this PROVES we're so much smarter than you!" just leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Guys, your joke wasn't funny. We all make clunkers from time to time. Don't compound the fault by insulting people.